“After some considered thinking and research I decided to develop my own network recorder, hence The Packet Company was born .....”
From the outset, the Packet Company's focus has been to create top-quality solutions to some of the common problems that network and test engineers encounter. In doing so, we have provided our customers with a complementary mix of consultancy, products and bespoke features. A key part of this has been to make products that are open and flexible; this allows users to enhance and extend them, reconfigure them and integrate them with other systems. And it provides a high degree of future-proofing too.
PacketRAID is our first official product - a multi-port, multi-format, multi-rate signal recorder for capturing Ethernet or SDH. It's incredibly flexible, both in the range of signal types and speeds that it can capture and replay, but also the platform itself. We are equally proud of the User Interface we have built. Not only is it beautiful, but it provides our users with an intuitive, informative and easy to use graphical environment - we're understandably very proud of what we have achieved.